Welcome to Mrs. Vega 6th Grade Class!!!


Today, we are going to learn about The Water Cycle.


Objective: By the end of the lesson I will be able to identify the parts of the water cycle: evaporation, precipitation, and condensation. Evidence will be complete three different assessments at the end of the lesson.


What exactly is the water cycle?



Well, let's go and start:




The students will be a ble to:   


Key Vocabulary:



Procedures: define the key vocabulary words and provide some examples.


     What is a cycle? Something that goes in a circle. Something that travels in a circles is a cycle.

Now, I want you to take a glass of water and start thinking where water comes from.


          The water cycle greatly affects weather and living things. You might think that rain brings new water to Earth. But there is no new water on Earth. The water cycle  is the movement of water between the ground and atmosphere.


          The first step of the water cycle involves the sun. The sun heats water on Earth and changes it from a liquid to a gas called water vapor. The water vapor goes into the air. This process is called evaporation. It is evaporation that dries a puddle in the sun after the rain.


          In the second step of the cycle, water vapor in the air changes back to a liquid. This happens when warm air holding water vapor gets cooler. This process is called condensation. The tiny water drops in the air are packed closer and closer together until they start to join. Clouds are formed when thousands of drops are so close together that you can not see through them.


          As clouds become cooler, the drops join together to make bigger drops. Finally, they become heavy enough to fall back to Earth as rain or snow. This falling rain or snow is the third step in the water cycle.

The word cycle usually means circle. The water cycle is like a cyrcle because it has no beginning or end. There really is no new water on Earth.




     Examples of evaporation include:


     Examples of condensation include:


      Much of the water that falls on the land flows to the sea in streams and rivers. Some soaks into the ground and some stays as ice. The water eventually finds its way into rivers and seas, where the water cycle begins again. As you can see in the following image:


Informal Assessment: Share with your partner what you have learned about the parts of the water cycle.  


Practice: Take your notebook and make a draw of the water cycle. You need to include the three parts and steps of the water cycle.  


     The following video can help us more to understand the water cycle just click on it:




After the video: 

Practice:  Take your notebook and make a draw of the water cycle that includes its three steps and parts.


     Clouds          Precipitation         Humidity         Assessments   A   B   C   Grade



Mrs Vega Class

6th Grade

Science, Strand 4: Geography Concept 3: Physical Systems (Science strands are summarized below as they apply to social studies contents in Grades k-8. These concepts are reinforced in social studies classes, but assessed through science.) PO 1. Identify the physical processes that influence the formation and location of resources such as oil, coal, diamonds, and cooper. Connect with: Science Strand 6 Concept 2 Explain the water cycle and factors that affect climate.


The Earth and Beyond Book

Images courtesy of google

Video courtesy of Youtube